Mac OS X Leopard - The Missing Manual: David Pogue For beginner and advanced, 894 pages
Mac OS X Leopard - Robin Williams Good, very clear, does not include iLife applications, 456 pages
Mac OS X Leopard Visual Quickstart Guide - Maria Langer Step by step recipes, 680 pages
Mac OS X Leopard Bible 950 pages: 2 separate pages on TextEdit, 1 page on Spaces, 270 pages on Internet.
iCon Steve Jobs The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business
Why Jobs won't allow books published by Wiley in Apple store
A Regular Guy - Mona Simpson Savage roman a clef by Steve Jobs' sister.
He was a man too busy to flush toilets. More than most people Jane had known, he was oblivious to the issuance from his body that might offend. He didn’t believe in deodorant and often professed that with a proper diet and the peppermint soap, you would neither perspire nor smell.