\ ANEW --TOOLBELT-- \ Wil Baden 2003-02-25 \ ******************************************************************* \ * * \ * Wil Baden 2003-02-25 * \ * * \ * ToolBelt 2002 * \ * * \ * These are common tools used in several source files. Many * \ * have been around for awhile, invented and implemented * \ * independently. They are given here so you can avoid * \ * duplicate definitions. Comment out definitions that you * \ * already have or are enhancing. Many of them should be CODE * \ * definitions. * \ * * \ ******************************************************************* \ In any Forth system, the definitions should be optimized when \ possible. The definitions here are in Standard Forth for \ portability. \ I hope that readers will submit environmental optimizations. \ mailto:neilbawd@earthlink.net \ Please identify the environment for your modifications. \ Definitions in Standard Forth by Wil Baden. Any similarity with \ anyone else's code is coincidental, historical, or inevitable. \ *********************** In File TOOL2002 ************************ \ General tools for Personal and Sharable code. \ #Chars/Line APPEND H# POSSIBLY \ #EOL-CHAR BOUNDS Is-White R'@ \ 'th BUFFER: Memory-Check Rewind-File \ (.) C# Next-Word STRING, \ ," C+! NOT TEMP \ 2NIP COUNTER OFF THIRD \ 3DROP EMPTY OFFSET: TIMER \ 3dup EXPIRED ON VOCABULARY \ ?? File-Check ORIF [DEFINED] \ ANDIF FLAG OUT [UNDEFINED] \ ANEW FOURTH PLACE \\ \ *********************** In File CHARCASE ************************ \ Character/string comparison and conversion. Latin-1 Characters. \ .LOWER Char>Upper Is-Alpha Is-Upper \ .UPPER COMPARE(NC) Is-Digit String->Lower \ Char>Lower Is-Alnum Is-Lower String->Upper \ *********************** In File CHARSCAN ************************ \ Scanning Character strings. \ BACK EQUALS? SCAN[ STRING/ \ BACK[ HUNT SIMILAR? th-Word \ CHOP JOIN SKIP th-Word-Back \ CONTAINS? Last-Word SPLIT th-Word-Forward \ END-C@ Replace-Char SPLIT[ TRIM \ ENDS? SCAN STARTS? \ ************************ In File COMMON ************************* \ Common functions. Defined when used. \ !++ /PAD C!++ HIWORD \ #BACKSPACE-CHAR C@++ LOWORD \ #BITS/CELL @++ EMITS MAX-N \ #TAB-CHAR ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS SIGN-BIT \ /COUNTED-STRING ENUM [VOID] \ Deprecated: \ ++ -CELL CELL CELL- \ !+ Append-Char LEXEME \ /SPLIT BL-Scan Split-Next-Line \ @+ BL-Skip View-Next-Line \ ******************************************************************* \ * Forth Programmer's Handbook, Conklin and Rather * \ ******************************************************************* \ ANEW ( "name" -- )( Run: -- ) \ Compiler directive used in the form: `ANEW _name_`. If the word \ _name_ already exists, it and all subsequent words are \ forgotten from the current dictionary, then a `MARKER` word \ _name_ is created. This is usually placed at the start of a \ file. When the code is reloaded, any prior version is \ automatically pruned from the dictionary. \ Executing _name_ will also cause it to be forgotten, since \ it is a `MARKER` word. \ Useful implementation factor of `EMPTY`. \ C+! ( n addr -- ) \ Add the low-order byte of _n_ to the byte at _addr_, removing \ both from the stack. \ EMPTY ( -- ) \ Reset the dictionary to a predefined golden state, discarding \ all definitions and releasing all allocated data space beyond \ that state. \ This `EMPTY` uses `--EMPTY--` to separate kernel words and \ user words. Rename `--EMPTY--` if you wish. \ `MARKER --EMPTY--` will setup a new golden area for `EMPTY`. \ `--EMPTY--` will restore the previous golden area. \ NOT ( x -- flag ) \ Identical to `0=`, used for program clarity to reverse the \ result of a previous test. It should used only when `0=` as \ well as `INVERT` could take its place. \ POSSIBLY ( "name" -- ) \ Execute _name_ if it exists; otherwise, do nothing. Useful \ implementation factor of `ANEW`. \ VOCABULARY ( "name" -- ) \ Create a word list _name_. Subsequent execution of _name_ \ replaces the first word list in the search order with _name_. \ When _name_ is made the compilation word list, new definitions \ will be added to _name_'s list. \ [DEFINED] ( "name" -- flag ) \ Search the dictionary for _name_. If _name_ is found, return \ TRUE; otherwise return FALSE. Immediate for use in definitions. \ [UNDEFINED] ( "name" -- flag ) \ Search the dictionary for _name_. If _name_ is found, return \ FALSE; otherwise return TRUE. Immediate for use in definitions. \ ****************** Forth Programmer's Handbook ****************** : NOT ( x -- flag ) S" 0= " EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE : [DEFINED] ( "name" -- flag ) BL WORD FIND NIP 0<> ; IMMEDIATE : [UNDEFINED] ( "name" -- flag ) BL WORD FIND NIP 0= ; IMMEDIATE : C+! ( n addr -- ) dup >R C@ + R> C! ; : POSSIBLY ( "name" -- ) BL WORD FIND ?dup AND IF EXECUTE THEN ; : ANEW ( "name" -- )( Run: -- ) >IN @ POSSIBLY >IN ! MARKER ; : EMPTY ( "name" -- ) S" ANEW --EMPTY-- DECIMAL ONLY FORTH DEFINITIONS " EVALUATE ; \ : Do-Vocabulary ( -- ) \ \ From Standard Forth Rationale A. \ DOES> @ >R ( )( R: widnew) \ GET-ORDER SWAP DROP ( wid_n ... wid_2 n) \ R> SWAP SET-ORDER ; \ : VOCABULARY ( "name" -- ) \ WORDLIST CREATE , Do-Vocabulary ; \ ******************************************************************* \ * Environmentally Dependent Values * \ ******************************************************************* \ #Chars/Line ( -- n ) \ Preferred width of line in text files. User defined and \ changeable. "number of characters for each line" \ #EOL-CHAR ( -- char ) \ The end-of-line character. 13 for Mac and DOS, 10 for Unix. \ "the end-of-line character" 70 VALUE #Chars/Line 13 CONSTANT #EOL-CHAR \ ******************************************************************* \ * Common Use * \ ******************************************************************* \ (.) ( n -- str len ) \ Convert number to string. \ The traditional definition for (.) is: \ : (.) ( n -- str len ) \ dup ABS 0 <# #S ROT SIGN #> ; \ But we like to see TRUE and SIGN-BIT in hex as FFFFFFFF and \ 80000000, and also see bit masks as unsigned. It would be nice to \ let the program do it. \ : (.) ( n -- str len ) \ BASE @ 10 = IF dup ABS ELSE 0 SWAP THEN \ 0 <# #S ROT SIGN #> ; \ Even nicer would be the following. This helps in distinguishing \ similar binary numbers. Like 0FFFFFFF from FFFFFFFF and 08000000 \ from 80000000. : (.) ( n -- str len ) CASE BASE @ 10 OF dup ABS 0 <# #S ROT SIGN #> ENDOF 16 OF 0 <# BEGIN # # 2dup OR 0= UNTIL #> ENDOF 2 OF 0 <# BEGIN # # # # 2dup OR 0= UNTIL #> ENDOF 0 <# #S #> 0 ENDCASE ; \ Of course we want with whichever one... : . ( n -- ) (.) TYPE SPACE ; \ And we want it with .S as well. : .S ( ... -- same ) DEPTH 0< ABORT" Stack Underflow " DEPTH BEGIN dup WHILE dup PICK S" . " EVALUATE 1- REPEAT DROP ; \ ," ( "" -- ) \ Store a quote-delimited string in data space as a counted string. \ See file QUOTSTR \ APPEND ( str len addr -- ) \ Catenate the string at _str_, whose length is _len_, to the \ counted string already existing at _addr_. Does not check \ whether space is allocated for the final string. AKA `+PLACE`. \ BOUNDS ( str len -- str+len str ) \ Convert _str len_ to range for DO-loop. \ C# ( -- addr ) \ Variable for character count. Should be updated by `CR`, `EMIT`, \ `TYPE`, etc. \ Is-White ( char -- flag ) \ Test _char_ for white space. Any character with value \ less than 33 is taken as white space. \ Next-Word ( -- str len ) \ Get the next word in the input stream as a character string - \ extending the search across line breaks as necessary, until the \ end-of-file is reached - and return its address and length. \ Returns a string length of 0 at the end of the file. \ OFF ( addr -- ) \ Set the flag at _addr_ to true. Already defined in many \ implementations. \ ON ( addr -- ) \ Set the flag at _addr_ to false. Already defined in many \ implementations. \ PLACE ( str len addr -- ) \ Copy the string at _str_, whose length is _len_, to _addr_, \ formatting it as a counted string, i.e., the length is in the \ first byte. Does not check whether space is allocated for the \ final string. \ STRING, ( str len -- ) \ Store a string in data space as a counted string. \ ************************** Common Use *************************** : APPEND ( str len addr -- ) 2dup 2>R COUNT chars + SWAP chars MOVE ( ) 2R> C+! ; : BOUNDS ( str len -- str+len str ) over + SWAP ; VARIABLE C# \ Should be USER variable. : Is-White ( char -- flag ) 33 - 0< ; \ Note. Michael Gassanenko observes that the cited \ definition will not work on... \ a) still standard systems with signed chars \ b) unstandard but not less numerous 8-bit systems \ In such a case - \ : Is-White ( char -- flag ) 33 U< ; : Next-Word ( -- str len ) BEGIN BL WORD COUNT ( str len) dup IF EXIT THEN REFILL WHILE 2DROP ( ) REPEAT ; ( str len) : OFF ( addr -- ) FALSE SWAP ! ; : ON ( addr -- ) TRUE SWAP ! ; : PLACE ( str len addr -- ) 2dup 2>R char+ SWAP chars MOVE 2R> C! ; : STRING, ( str len -- ) HERE over 1+ chars ALLOT PLACE ; : ," [char] " PARSE STRING, ; IMMEDIATE \ ******************************************************************* \ * Stack Handling. * \ ******************************************************************* \ 2NIP ( w x y z -- y z ) \ Drop the third and fourth elements from the stack. \ 3DROP ( x y z -- ) \ Drop the top three elements from the stack. \ 3DUP ( x y z -- x y z x y z ) \ Copy top three elements on the stack onto top of stack. \ FOURTH ( w x y z -- w x y z w ) \ Copy fourth element on the stack onto top of stack. \ R'@ ( -- x )( R: x y -- x y ) \ The second element on the return stack. \ THIRD ( x y z -- x y z x ) \ Copy third element on the stack onto top of stack. \ ************************ Stack Handling. ************************ : THIRD ( x y z -- x y z x ) 2 PICK ; \ Should be CODE defn. : FOURTH ( w x y z -- w x y z w ) 3 PICK ; \ Should be CODE defn. : 3dup ( x y z -- x y z x y z ) THIRD THIRD THIRD ; : 3DROP ( x y z -- ) 2DROP DROP ; \ Should be CODE defn. : 2NIP ( w x y z -- y z ) 2SWAP 2DROP ; \ Should be CODE defn. : R'@ S" 2R@ DROP " EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE \ Should be CODE defn. \ ******************************************************************* \ * Short-Circuit Conditional * \ ******************************************************************* \ ANDIF ( p "... THEN" -- flag ) \ Given `p ANDIF q THEN`: \ If _p_ is 0 then test _q_ will not be performed and the result \ will be _p_, i.e. 0; \ If _p_ is not 0 then the result will be _q_. \ ORIF ( p "... THEN" -- flag ) \ Given `p ORIF q THEN`: If _p_ is 0 then the result will be _q_; \ If _p_ is not 0 then test _q_ will not be performed and the \ result will be _p_. : ANDIF S" DUP IF DROP " EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE : ORIF S" DUP 0= IF DROP " EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE \ or \ : ORIF S" ?DUP 0= IF " EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE \ These could be defined with `POSTPONE`. \ : ANDIF postpone DUP postpone IF postpone DROP ; IMMNEDIATE \ : ORIF postpone DUP postpone 0= postpone IF postpone DROP ; IMMNEDIATE \ ******************************************************************* \ * Promiscuous Variables Available in Any Task * \ ******************************************************************* \ TEMP ( -- addr ) \ Promiscuous variable available in any task. \ OUT ( -- addr ) \ Promiscuous variable available in any task. \ FLAG ( -- addr ) \ Promiscuous variable available in any task. VARIABLE TEMP \ Should be USER variable. VARIABLE OUT \ Should be USER variable. VARIABLE FLAG \ Should be USER variable. \ ******************************************************************* \ * Error Checking * \ ******************************************************************* \ File-Check ( n -- ) \ Check for file access error. \ Memory-Check ( n -- ) \ Check for memory allocation error. \ ******** These words should be tailored for your system. ******** : File-Check ( n -- ) ABORT" File Access Error " ; : Memory-Check ( n -- ) ABORT" Memory Allocation Error " ; \ : File-Check ( n -- ) THROW ; \ : Memory-Check ( n -- ) THROW ; \ : File-Check ( n -- ) SHOWERROR ; \ PMF \ : Memory-Check ( n -- ) SHOWERROR ; \ PMF \ ******************************************************************* \ * Interval Timing * \ ******************************************************************* \ COUNTER ( -- ms ) \ Return the current value of the millisecond timer. \ TIMER ( u -- ) \ Repeat COUNTER, then subtract the two values and display the \ interval between the two in milliseconds. \ EXPIRED ( u -- flag ) \ Return true if the current millisecond timer reading has passed \ _u_. [DEFINED] _TickCount [IF] \ Environment Dependent 60 CONSTANT Ticks-per-Second : COUNTER ( -- u ) _TickCount 1000 Ticks-per-Second */ ; : TIMER ( u -- ) COUNTER SWAP - 0 <# # # # [char] . HOLD #S #> TYPE SPACE ; : EXPIRED ( u -- flag ) COUNTER - 0< ; [THEN] \ ******************************************************************* \ * Miscellaneous * \ ******************************************************************* \ BUFFER: ( n "name" -- ) \ Create buffer _name_ of length _n_ in data space. : BUFFER: ( n "name" -- ) CREATE ALLOT ; \ H# ( "hexnumber" -- n ) \ Get the next word in the input stream as an unsigned hex \ single-number literal. (Adopted from Open Firmware.) \ \ "The best way to manage BASE is to establish a global default, \ e.g. DECIMAL. If you change to another, e.g. HEX, you assume \ responsibility for changing back when you're done with it. The \ scope of a changed region can be part of a file or all of a \ file, but shouldn't span files. Always return to your default \ at the end of a file _if_ you've changed it. This minimizes \ fussy saving & restoring, and you always know where you are." \ -- Elizabeth D. Rather : H# ( "hexnumber" -- u ) \ Simplified for easy porting. 0 0 BL WORD COUNT ( 0 0 str len) BASE @ >R HEX >NUMBER R> BASE ! ABORT" Not Hex " 2DROP ( u) STATE @ IF postpone LITERAL THEN ; IMMEDIATE \ 'th ( n "addr" -- &addr[n] ) \ The address `_n_ CELLS _addr_ +`. : 'th ( n "addr" -- &addr[n] ) S" CELLS " EVALUATE BL WORD COUNT EVALUATE S" + " EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE \ OFFSET: ( n "name" -- )( Run: addr -- addr+n ) \ Field-defining word. Create a word which adds a constant to \ the number (usually an address) on top of the stack. Used in \ the form _n OFFSET: _ to create a field definition \ __. AKA `FIELD`. (`FIELD` has been given other \ conflicting definitions, so `OFFSET:` hopes to avoid conflict.) : OFFSET: ( n "name" -- )( Run: addr -- addr+n ) S" : " PAD PLACE BL WORD COUNT PAD APPEND S" " PAD APPEND dup 0= IF DROP S" ; IMMEDIATE " PAD APPEND ELSE (.) PAD APPEND S" + ; " PAD APPEND THEN PAD COUNT EVALUATE ; \ REWIND-FILE ( file-id -- ior ) \ Reposition the file at its beginning. : Rewind-File ( file-id -- ior ) 0 0 ROT REPOSITION-FILE ; \ ****************************** \\ ******************************* \ \\ ( "..." -- ) \ During an INCLUDE operation, treat anything following this word \ as a comment; i.e., nothing after `\\` is interpreted in a \ source file will be interpreted or compiled. : \\ ( "..." -- ) BEGIN -1 PARSE 2DROP REFILL 0= UNTIL ; \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ \ ****************** Tests and Notes may Follow *******************